Hello my lovely readers!! December means Christmas and nothing else matters this month for us who love them. Have you decorate your trees? Certainly when we hear about trees coming to mind such thing as the adjacent photo .... But you will be surprised by how many different trees there are if you do not want something so classic and common. Let's see!
Για αυτους που θελουν χρωμα / For those who want color :
Για αυτους που δεν ειναι λατρες των χρωματων / For those who are not color lovers :
Και τωρα,για αυτους που θελουν κατι ιδιαιτερο και διαφορετικο. / And now, for those who want something special and different.
Εσεις θα κανατε την διαφορα ή ειστε τυποι που αγαπανε το κλασικο πρασινο ελατο με ομορφα στολιδια οπως εγω??? Φιλακιαααααααα!!! M.
Would you choose something different or you are of those who love classic green christmas tree with beautiful ornaments like me???
Kisseeeeeeeesss!!! M.
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